Squale 5.1 release notes

Squale version: 5.1

Download links:


  • Java > 5
  • Servlet > 2.3 compliant server
  • MySql or Oracle currently supported out of the box

News and noteworthy

This release addresses 46 issues.

Here are the main improvements for this release:

  • Installing Squale
    • Squale now has an installer for its lightweight standalone version , which uses Tomcat and HSQL DB.
      • An example application is configured in HSQL so that it is easy to test Squale once the standalone version is installed.
      • This packaging has been done for test purposes only, it is not suited for production.
    • Squale now runs seamlessly on Windows
  • Connectors and languages
    • Squale can now audit Cobol code along Java, C and C++.
      • Squale currently relies on McCabe tool to analyse Cobol.
    • The Cobertura connector has been implemented.
      • You can now have code coverage for Java applications.
  • Aggregation engine
    • It is now possible to add manual marks in Squale.
      • This is useful when parts of your quality model can't be filled by automated tools.
      • Practice marks now have a time limitation for their validity period.
  • Web UI
    • You can now customize Squale home page when you log into the web portal.
      • This allows you to specify what kind of information you want to see first.
    • It is possible to tag applications, in the same way you flag your mails in GMail
      • This will allow higher aggregation in the future

There are lots of other improvements and bug fixes.

Migration guide

To upgrade from Squale 5.0 to Squale 5.1, please follow these steps:

  1. Update your database with the SQL migration scripts that you will find in the new distribution
  2. Update your XML configuration files:
    1. Quality grid files must now use "grid-1.2.dtd".
      • This modification is the consequence of the "manual mark" functionality.
      • For grids already inserted, every practice that has no formula is considered as a manual practice without time limitation.
    2. In your Squalix configuration folder, "checkstyle-config.xml" file must now use "checkstyle-config-1.1.dtd".
      • The "tempSourceDir" tag has been added.
    3. Squalix config file must now use "squalix-config-1.1.dtd"
      • The "language" attribute has been added on the "profile" tag.
      • Reloading Quality Grids is also needed (not modifying just reloading). You can avoid this step by customizing your DB migration script.
        • For instance, you can add the following SQL instruction (projectlanguage is the name of the profile) :
          update SqualeReference set programminglanguage = 'java' where ProjectLanguage = 'appli-jse';

          Currently, 'java', 'cpp' and 'cobol' are accepted values for programminglanguage.

    NOTE: To help you, you can compare your own configuration files with the one you will find in the new distribution.